Everyone deserves to live fully. Autism Society of Texas changes lives by connecting families and individuals to community resources and support throughout Texas. The core of our work is to influence meaningful change in support of the Autism community. 

Learn more about the Autism Society of Texas


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The Autism Society works with other local groups and the Texas Legislature to celebrate our families and draw attention to the challenges we face on a day to day basis.


The Autism Society is committed to educating people about autism and various interventions.  In addition to families who live with autism every day, we also work to educate members of the community, such as first responders or a hair salon, on how they can serve individuals on the autism spectrum.


It’s not always easy to find fun activities for individuals with autism. The Autism Society sponsors outings and activities for children and adults on the spectrum.


The Autism Society supports parents on-line through Regional & Statewide, Facebook, and Meetup and face-to-face through monthly get-togethers around Texas.

¿Necesitas ayuda en español?

Estamos aquí para proporcionarte información y referencias gratuitas. Por favor llámanos al 512-479-4199, Ext. 3 o envíanos un correo electrónico a adriana@texasautismsociety.org.

Gracias a la Moody Foundation por su generosidad al respaldar nuestro sitio web en español aquí: http://autismoentexas.org/

Regional & Statewide Groups


Make connections, wherever you are! Check out our regional online support groups here and recreation and support groups here!

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